Lead Pastor: Mark Glenn


Mark Glenn has been the lead pastor at Summit since 2018. He earned a bachelors degree in education from Mount Vernon Nazarene University and his Masters Degree from Liberty University. Mark serves as a golf coach at Liberty Christian Academy and loves watching college football and college basketball. His family recently purchased a motorhome and they love to take camping trips and extended trips out West when their schedule allows. Mark has a deep desire to preach the word through expository preaching while applying it to all of our lives in a relevant way.

Music Leader: Frankie Sainato


Frankie has been the music leader at Summit since April of 2022. He is a graduate of Reynoldsburg High School (2018) and has led music for multiple churches in his young ministry. Frankie plays the piano and the guitar and desires to lead the congregation to worship, praise and adore Jesus. His song choices are always centered around the gospel whether hymns or contemporary music. Frankie desires to go deeper into the Word for the purpose of spiritual maturity and equipping himself to preach.